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Myofunctional Therapies

Myofunctional therapy uses neuromuscular re-education techniques and
exercises to help establish correct and optimal oral placement. These
exercises teach your muscles, nerves, and brain how to restore optimal
movement. Specifically, they are designed to improve: tongue position,
lip seal and nasal breathing.

THUMBS UP! Thumb Sucking Elimination Program

Thumb or finger sucking is a common sight among babies and small children. Infants are born with a natural urge to suck their thumbs, which usually decreases after they reach the age of 6 months. Some children, however, continue to suck their thumbs or fingers to soothe themselves. Thumb sucking can quickly become a habit  in children who do so when they feel impatient, scared, hungry, tired, or bored.


The Thumbs Up! Thumb Sucking Elimination Program uses the power of positive reinforcement as a motivator, allowing your child to take charge of  breaking  his or her  own  habit  with  guidance  and  support  from  both  the  therapist and parents. The program creates a sense of self-satisfaction that quickly and effectively replaces the child’s thumb or finger sucking desire.

Tongue Tips: Tongue Thrust Remediation Program

A tongue thrust is known by many names—reverse or immature swallow, orofacial muscle  dysfunction, or deviant  swallow  pattern. All  of  these  refer  to  the  resting posture of the tongue against the teeth and the pushing of the  tongue against  the teeth  during  a  swallow. Experts  estimate  that we swallow 500 to 1000 times a  day with between 4 and 8 pounds of pressure  per  swallow. This constant  pressure pushes  the  teeth out of place, causing an abnormal bite known as  malocclusion.


Through programs such as “Tongue Tips”, therapists work to re-train the muscles of the face and tongue for proper posture within the mouth and to correct the swallowing motion. Although consistent commitment is necessary for success, many patients are able to simply and effectively eliminate the

long-term problems associated with a tongue thrust – and  enjoy renewed health and self-confidence. These kind of results make therapy that’s “easy to swallow.”

Tiny Tongue Tips: An Early Intervention Myofunctional Therapy Program

This play-based program focuses on teaching children proper oral and
facial postures at rest, during speech, and while swallowing. It aims to
reestablish nasal breathing which has been linked to better overall
health. With proper oral and facial postures, problematic symptoms -
such as chewing/ swallowing difficulties, speech sound errors, snoring/
sleep apnea, and persistent oral habits - become easier to treat.


410 Meadow Creek Drive

Ste. 206

Westminster, MD 21158

Tel 410-374-0555

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Teletherapy offered to:  MD, CA
PA and OH. 

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